Another July 12th, another riot. This blog is about internal security as well as international security, so after Castro, more deja vu from the 60s and 70s. The dissident Republicans are back to orchestrating riots in order to recruit from unemployed Catholic youth and hoping to provoke the police into overreaction so as to get some legitimacy for violence and undermine the peace process.
The Orange Order want the right to march anywhere, any time, because "it's traditional". They have rejected the agreement reached by the Democratic Unionists and Sinn Fein on parade management, which is a serious difficulty for the peace process. It isnt clear that the Orange order itself supports the peace process. How can the intransigents be brought within the tent? This isnt just an issue for Northern Ireland. The Basque region of Spain has similar problems and Europol have warned that it is separatist terrorism, not jihadism which is on the increase in europe as a whole.
All this and the repeal of the hunting ban to come. Oh Joy! what is it.."Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" ...I started with Churchill, so it's good to finish with Santayana
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