Sunday, 11 July 2010

Ten Little Russians

Well, eleven really, but one got away in Cyprus and then there were ten.
Ten little Russians, living rather fine.
One got above herself and then there were nine.
Nine little Russians, living in the States.
One was a Peruvian, so then there were eight.

I could continue, but I'll spare you all. What were the security implications of all this? Were these people pawns in a game betweeen the security services of the US and Russia, or was something more sinister going on? Where elements in the FBI trying to embarass Obama and prevent an apparent developing rapprochment with Medvedev [and behing him Putin?].

The Bandit hates conspiracy theories and probably will go for the " Anna Chapman had been told to make a run for it" explanation. But even then, they werent in touch with each other were they? I like the idea that our spooks were watching to see who made contact with them while their spooks were watching to spot the US watchers trade craft...All a bit "the Honourable schoolboy!"

The UK got two Russians out of it, so presumably we had an angle too. I wonder what that was? Our priority in Russian relations surely remains to prosecute somebody for the polonium murder and associated pollution.

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